PROMs have become a prominent topic in healthcare innovation, especially in cancer care, via the direct evaluation of treatment outcomes from the patients' perspective.

Patient-Reported Outcomes offer physicians a multitude of insights into cancer care processes through the perspective of the patient.

Routine collection of PRO data in oncology can plan a pivotal role in improving clinical outcomes and the overall quality of care.

Learning from patients

Including the patient’s voice via the systematic collection of PROs into routine care can enhance data-driven initiatives both for clinical care and research.1

Data standardization can now be easily achieved using validated sets of outcomes such as the heartbeat Standard Sets, developed according to standards of international standards like the ICHOM and others.2


Impact on survival rates

In an independent and peer-reviewed study the implementation of PROMs in routine chemotherapy was demonstrated to lengthen median survival in metastatic cancer patients.

In this study, symptoms possibly leading to adverse events were detected and responded to earlier. As a result, patients could tolerate a longer course of chemotherapy.3

Living well with cancer

Quality of life for patients with metastatic cancer can significantly improve with the adequate treatment of symptoms and their associated side effects.4

Through the implementation of PROMs, the frequency of symptom reporting is increased which can then be better managed and formerly invisible data points become visible.

Featured research

Learn more on how PROMs can enhance disease and treatment monitoring, and play a key role in the future of oncology. Explore our PROMs guides and find out more about how specific instruments can be applied in cancer clinical care and research.

Bringing care closer

Cancer care requires the involvement of multiple healthcare professionals working together to improve the patients' quality of life during and after treatment.

Prior to the first consultation to long-term follow-up, our outcome measurement platform enables the real-time reporting of patient-reported and clinician-reported outcomes.

Find out more about how we can support you in evaluating how treatments impact patients’ quality of life.

heartbeat PRO Sets in Oncology

Leverage the experience of our medical science team and select from our extensive library of Heartbeat PROM Standard Sets.

Need PROs for another condition? Contact us if you work in a different field and require further information.

Lung cancer

Breast cancer

Colorectal cancer

Localized prostate cancer

Advanced prostate cancer